
Academic Talks

  • Peer Mathematics Seminar, (Fall 2023)
    • Convex Optimization and First Order Methods, Note
    • Personal Research: Asymptotic behavior of Inconsistent case RC-FPI [1], Slides, Overview Video
    • Automata Theory and Halting Problem, Slides 1, 2, 3
    • Deep Learning Theory: Approximation Guarantees of Neural Networks, Slides 1, 2
  • Quantum teleportation with Quantum Information Theory, (May 2023)
    • In Professor Sunghoon Jung’s group seminar, Slides
  • Application of Renormalization Group Method on Lohe Sphere Model [2], (Dec 2021)
    • Poster session on the Undergraduate’s Research Program, Poster
  • Maximum entropy and Spectrum estimation, (Spring 2021)
    • Professor Seung-Yeal Ha’s HYKE group seminar, Link

Public Lectures

  • Natural Science Concert (GLEAP’s Public Lecture for High school), (Aug 2019, 2020)
    • Basics of Natural Language Processing and how computers read emotion, (2020)
    • Mathematical modeling and Prediction of disease infection via SIR model, (2019)

Academic Exchanges

  • Why is it hard to predict: Incompleteness theorems and Halting problem, (Nov 2023)
    • The Night of GLEAP (GLEAP’s Alumni event)
  • Explanation of Hallucination patterns in vision using mathematics, (Nov 2020)
    • GLEAP Academic Exchange with STEM(Academic students club of Engineering)
  • P vs NP problem and Turing machine: How computers think, (May 2020)
    • In GLEAP’s monthly academic seminar
  • Awards Ceremony: International Mathematical Modeling Challenge, (Aug 2017)
    • Invited to Harvard as the team of top 4, In 3rd Annual IMMC, Link

Teaching Experiences

Teaching Assistant

  • Mathematical Foundations of Deep Neural Networks (Fall 2021)
    • Lectured by Prof. Ernest Ryu (SNU), M1407.001200. Opened office hours in English


  • Python basics and Mathematical modeling (Summer 2020)
    • Tutored undergraduate students in SNU, as a program in Undergraduate’s Major Tutor School

Educational Outreaches

  • Talk-Talk Science Mentoring, GLEAP (2019 - 2021)
    • Tutored local high school students about topics in Sciences, once in a two week
    • Tutored in both theoretical and experimental topics, including laboratory sessions
  • Natural Science Camp, GLEAP (Summer 2019)
    • Mentored high school students about careers in Natural Sciences
  • Education Outreach for Free Semester Classes, Korean Ministry of Education (Fall 2018)
    • Lectured in middle school about topics in mathematics, once a week
    • Topics ranging from Euclidean Construction and Quadratic Curves to Cryptography
  • Science Outreach Volunteers, SNU CNS (Summer 2018)
    • Tutored students in rural area(Yeongdeok-gun, Korea) for 5 consecutive days